Now, it's time to make a big change in the 'digital orthodontics market'

DIO Completes Clinical Validation of Over 10,000 Digital Orthodontic Cases

DIO Ortho navi., a digital orthodontic solution from DIO, a leading digital dentistry company, is heralding a game-changer in the digital orthodontic market.

Since its launch in 2017, DIO Ortho navi. has been clinically verified with over 6,476 patients and 11,039 cases (as of December 31, 2023). 

Currently, digital orthodontics is only recognized as transparent orthodontics in the dental world, but unlike other companies, DIO's digital orthodontic system has been developed sequentially with 3D printing digital bracket orthodontics and digital transparent orthodontics, utilizing the advantages of each device to provide both precision and convenience in orthodontic treatment.   

Digital transparent orthodontics, more sophisticated with various set-up systems

DIO's digital clear orthodontic device, DIO Digital Clear Aligner, enables sophisticated clear orthodontic treatment with various set-up systems. First, the 'Smart Set-up System' resets the diagnosis and treatment plan according to the treatment results such as tooth alignment and movement amount by step for the entire treatment period, and provides a customized clear aligner according to the patient's condition in a process of 10 to 20 steps that takes about 10 days per step, which can compensate for the inaccuracy of the attachment, thus increasing the accuracy of the treatment results and increasing patient satisfaction.


Second, the C-Force System uses the first targeted tooth as a relative anchor instead of moving all teeth simultaneously during orthodontic treatment, so orthodontic treatment can be completed more quickly and efficiently.


Third, the Escape Set-up System, which prevents collisions when moving teeth, uses 3D viewer simulation to determine the minimum amount of IPR required for tooth alignment. In addition, the Inter Proximal Reduction Guide (IPR Guide) can be utilized in conjunction with the 3D viewer simulation to more systematically provide the required amount of IPR for each step to achieve precise treatment results. In particular, the 3D viewer and simulation can predict treatment results, making it easier to explain the treatment process to patients and increase consent rates.

Clear and technology-based, diamond attachment and triple structured layers

The biggest feature of DIO Digital Clear Aligner is that it includes the entire treatment process, unlike conventional clear aligners that only consider the final treatment result. 

In particular, the 'Digital diamond attachment system' consists of a total of 8 types, including 'Bar type attach' and 'Dual angle attach'.


In addition, 'DIO Digital Clear Aligner' uses two types of transparent aligner sheets with a special triple structure (Hard-Hard-Hard, Hard-Soft-Hard) to minimize patient pain, select a treatment plan according to the patient's oral condition, and deliver accurate correction force to the teeth, enabling precise teeth correction. 

In addition, the block out function is applied to increase the durability of the clear aligners to prevent gum recession and inclined movement of adjacent teeth to maintain the corrective force.

In addition, DIO's digital clear orthodontic system can successfully complete orthodontic treatment in various clinical cases, such as using the 'Clear Aligner Bite Bumper' for deep bite patients and the '3D Printing Pontic Service' to print artificial teeth for missing teeth.

First 3D Printed Lingual Bracket

The 'DIO Ortho navi.' digital bracket was the first 3D printed bracket developed and released by DIO, and since its release, it has become the most advanced example of digital orthodontics by maximizing its performance through continuous research by improving the design and materials.     

The new ceramic-like strength 3D Printing Brackets are available in Lingual Brackets, Labial Brackets, and Bite Turbo Brackets, which can be customized for patients, as well as combined labial and lingual treatment.  

In addition, the patented Position Jig and Custom Base enable accurate and easy bracket attachment according to the patient's tooth shape. In addition, it is characterized by the use of two strands of Ni-Ti wire that exerts low force without wire banding, minimizing the patient's foreign body sensation. 

In addition, orthodontic rubber bands applied to the utility wing of the labial bracket enable more effective and diverse treatment, and 3D printed hole buttons and hooks provided with orthodontic treatment further enhance the accuracy of treatment.

In 2017, DIO Ortho navi.'s 3D Printed Lingual Brackets were featured in the cover story of the Journal of Clinical Orthodontics, a globally influential and authoritative orthodontic journal, as the world's first brackets with patient-customized 3D printing technology.

In particular, as a result of continuous research to improve the design and materials since its launch, it has been listed in the orthodontic textbook 'Contemporary Digital Orthodontics' and has become a model of digital bracket orthodontics.


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